35 For I was hungry and you gave Me food, I was thirsty and you gave Me drink, I was a stranger and you took Me in. 36 I was naked and you clothed Me, I was sick and you visited Me, I was in prison and you came to Me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? 38 When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? 39 And when did we see You sick or in prison and come to You?’

40 “He answered, ‘Truly I say to you, as you have done it for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you have done it for Me.’

 Matt 25: 35-40



The Baobab tree (Adansonia digitata) stands proud as a true symbol of life, hope and idealism in Africa. The simplicity of the Baobab forms a strong contrast to the complexities and harsh realities of the lives of many in South Africa and Africa. The Baobab as part of our logo represents the objectives and values of Pillars of Hope. To reach out, create change and give hope to the less fortunate and destitute, empowering them to find their inner strength towards a positive and sustainable lifestyle change.


April 2024 marks the debut of our Pillars of Hope Newsletter, dedicated to sharing updates on our inaugural students and some of our various community upliftment projects.  We are extremely grateful for you – Because of you we are able to assist communities in need.


Pillars of Hope Golf day 7/11/2024








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Founded in 2016 by 3 strong woman who were inspired by God and a great quote by Paul Shane Spear “As one person I cannot change the world, BUT I can change the world of one person”

Founder 1: Allison Foster; wife, mother to Luke and Mattanah, committed trail runner

Allison’s heart for sharing and spreading the love of God to those who feel that they have no voice is infectious. She is the epitome of being the hands, voice, feet, ears of God. Allison is the main driver behind our homeless projects and feeding schemes.

Founder 2: Dorel Janse van Rensburg; wife, mother to Desirè and Chris , committed to 5am gym classes

Dorel has an accounting background and is key in keeping all the finances in order. In addition to being responsible for the finances, Dorel operates in her gift which is prayer and counselling. She is key in driving our partnership with Life Link. Dorel has completed the intense counseling programme and works very closely with Sharon and the team at LifeLink to aide with any support they may require.

Founder 3: Eleanor Ramjee; wife, mother to Ezra and Morgan, non-master of golf

Eleanor is a true miracle and testament of God’s Grace. She resonates completely with all the projects that Pillars of Hope runs. At some stage of her life she was impacted by feeding schemes at school, someone giving her a track to say God loves you. At this stage of her life, she is deeply connected to a calling, which is to change the world for someone, through Education and Skills. Don’t give someone a fish, teach them how to fish.


Since Allison has relocated and Dorel is departing to concentrate on her new venture, Engela Timcke and Mercy Slaffa have joined Pillars of Hope in 2023.

Together with Eleanor, they will maintain the different pillars and provide community support.


At Pillars of Hope, we believe and trust God to be Jehova Jireh for us. From day 1 God has provided supernaturally for every good work, according to 2 Cor 9:8. We love the new living translation that reads; And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others”

Our aim is to make a difference in the following spheres:  

  • Child welfare
  • Education and Skills
  • Support for Holistic Substance Abuse Rehabilitation
  • Prayer & Counseling

Ithemba” a confident expectation for a better future, without hope life loses its meaning.

Core Values


“We make a living by what we get,
but we make a life by what we give”

– Winston Churchill





Child & Adult welfare

Since inception we have been an integral part of the Bredell Primary daily feeding scheme and are responsible for a significant part of the monthly grocery supply required for the feeding scheme.

In addition to this we are active partners of the Benoni Inner-city Ministry team and provide them with food and hygiene supplies on a quarterly basis.

After their run in 2019, Allison and Rhys felt lead to adopt the Pondoland community as a Pillars of Hope beneficiary.



Education and Skills

We are currently involved in a number of students and these include:

– Bredell Primary: Remedial Class
– Maranatha Christian School: Lydia Mosehla
– University of Cape Town: Musa & – Sphiwe Chauke  4th year
– University of Fort Hare: Tendai Midzi
– University of Potchefstroom: Dumisane Mkwanazi



Support for Holistic Substance Abuse Rehabilitation 

We have partnered with Comeback Mission a rehabilitation ministry located in Eldorado Park and Rays of Hope located in Alex.

Comeback Mission (CBM) was initiated by concerned people driven by a strong passion and desire to create change and give hope to their community and the surrounding communities…



Prayer & Counseling

Our partnership with Life Link has grown from strength to strength. Since, 2016 we contribute the monthly expenses. Dorel volunteers at the centre and have become key part of the volunteer team. After much prayer and following due process in 2019  the centre moved into their brand new premises in Kempton Park.

To view letters and video messages of gratitude for the support received by all the beneficiaries

and Donations

Should you wish to make any contributions please email:

Engela – engela@pillarsofhope.co.za

Eleanor – eleanor@pillarsofhope.co.za

Mercy – mercy_slaffa@hotmail.com

Pillars of Hope is fertile soil and you never ever know what fruit your seed will bear. All you need to do sow with a pure heart and let God do the rest. And trust God. We are blessed to be a blessing Gen 12:2

As Pillars of Hope we trust God to do exceedingly, abundantly far above we can think for imagine… we don’t know how this story will be recorded in history, with God we know it’s going to be Epic!

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